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RC7630 miniPCIe MODEM
Category : LTE CAT.4
Frequency Bands : B1, B3, B5, B7, B8, B18, B19, B21
Carrier : KT, SKT, LGU+, NTT Docomo, KDDI
인증 : KC(RF, EMC) 인증
"통신사 인증 없이 사용 가능 - Global USIM 적용시"
"Reliable, proven M2M connectivity"
HL7800 장점
Interface : mini PCIe
Common Form Factor Compact CF3® design to migrate between technologies and future-proof product platforms
GLOBAL Worldwide coverage on a single module with industry and mobile network certifications to get
you to market faster -
Ready-to-Connect Embedded SIM pre-connected to the Sierra Wireless global network and our unified device
management platform (optional) -
FOTA Upgrade FREE unlimited firmware over-the-air (FOTA) upgrades future-proof deployments and keep them
secure -
Cloud Connected Securely collect data and remotely manage your IoT deployments with integrated AirVantage® cloud
services* -
Secure Boot Prevent unauthorized code on the target to keep your connectivity secure
Ultra-Low Power Mode Best-in-class power performance extending the life of battery operated devices by 5-10X
Location Services Integrated GNSS receiver enables tracking and location-based services*
TCP/IP Stack Embedded stack to easily communicate over the internet
Programmability Basic and Extended AT Commands simplify development
Industrial-Grade Tested for harsh environments and extreme temperatures
VoLTE Enhance IoT applications with voice commands or call capabilities*
*Future release / firmware upgrade
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